Interviews & Quotes
Dive into a collection of powerful media quotes and insightful interviews from Professor Surak. Her media appearances offer sharp perspectives on key topics, while her interviews explore a wide range of subjects, from golden visas to Japanese politics, providing in-depth analysis and fresh ideas.
Read on and discover more!
Migrationsforscherin: ‘Manche Staaten sind hochgradig abhängig vom Handel mit Reisepässen'
La mujer que más sabe de las Golden Visa: ‘Casi nadie las acaba quitando, es puro electoralismo’
Kristin Surak: Maurice attire non seulement les investisseurs mais deviant aussi un lieu de residence privilégié.
Kristin Surak: "Un trabajador regularizado aporta más a la economía de España que un inversor 'golden'"
The Wealth Report (2023)
Experts weigh in on the diplomatic challenges facing Japan’s new PM
Japan’s Shinzō Abe Was an Uninspiring Leader Who Prospered by Default
El increíble país que encontró cómo crecer en plena pandemia: vende ciudadanías
Easing tensions
Re-examining anti-terror policy
A new mandate
An 'inch forward'
A vote of confidence for Abe in Japan?
Visa ‘Emas’ Trump: Siapa yang memenuhi syarat, berapa biayanaya dan mengapa itu memecah belah
How Trump’s ‘Gold Card’ Plan Echoes the Golden Visa Programs in Europe.
Cartes dorées Trump: le business des titres de residence, une pratique juteuse et décriée
Donald Trump’s Gold Visa Plan Could Run Into Problems
Wetin be di Donald Trump $5 million ‘gold card’ route to US citizenship?
As Trump pitches US ‘gold card,’ what other countries offer golden visas?
Trump’s ‘gold’ visa: Who qualifies, what it costs, and why it’s divisive.
Kemboja henti dedah butiran kerakyatan baru
Cambodia stops publishing details of new citizenships issued to foreigners
‘Golden visas’: Europe tightens residency rules for the rich
Deux (ou trois) passeports valent mieux qu’un pour certains riches
AB “altın vize”den vazgeçiyor
Tại sao các chương trình ‘thị thực vàng’ lại dần bị khai tử
Que sont les ‘visas dorés et pourquoi sont-ils si controversés?
Zlatne vize: Šta predstavljaju i zašto su kontroverzne
Dòng tiền từ Việt Nam tậu 'hộ chiếu vàng': Tìm nơi trú ẩn vàng cho tham nhũng?
Altın vize: Neden bazı ülkeler uygulamadan vazgeçiyor?
Spain wan cancel golden visa - Wetin e be, which kontris dey issue am and who fit get am?
Thinking of Leaving the Country if Trump Wins? There’s a Market for That
Wie Superreiche neue Staatsangehörigkeiten erwerben
Findes der overhovedet en demokratisk valgt leder, der er mere upopulær end ham her?
Why are 'golden visa' schemes being scrapped?
Za crnogorske 'zlatne' pasoše još se razmatra preko 400 prijava
How Indians Setting Up Base in Critical Wealth Hubs Abroad Can Help India
The World is Not Enough: Indians’ Global Wealth Hub Relocations Could Benefit India’s Economy
Dominica May Have Sold Thousands More ‘Golden Passports’ Than It Disclosed, Analysis Suggests
Implausible Budget Numbers, Undisclosed Names Raise Red Flags about Dominica’s Citizenship-By-Investment Program
Revealed: Thousands Who Bought ‘Golden Passports’ Through Dominica’s $1bn Scheme
Investigation Reveals Thousands Who Bought ‘Golden Passports’ From Dominica
When Money Laundering Leaves a Stain on the Economy
A Passport to Everywhere
Golden Passport: A Plan B for the Rich, a Rear Exit and Safe Haven for Crooks
Passaporti d’oro
The Ultimate Score for Rich People? Golden Passports
Why Chinese Money is Heading for Small-Town America
The ‘Robinhood of passports’ says it's a mistake to ban golden visas
The American elite are planning their escape— and it starts with paying for passports
Russians strike gold with Turkey’s passports for sale scheme
Covid showed the rich that they can’t just go wherever they want
2021 - 2022
Wie ein Jurist aus Zürich zum grössten Passvermittler der Welt aufstieg
Citizenship for the rich: Demand rises for ‘golden passports'
What’s Driving the EU’s Criticism of Cash- for-Citizenship and Cash-for-Residency Schemes
Ban, tax, or regulate the golden passport?
Why are the wealthy investing in residence and citizenship planning amid pandemic
The Year Passports Lost their Power
2016 - 2020
Japan ‘to pledge net zero emissions by 2050’ in major policy shift
The Wealth Report 2020
The Wealth Report 2018
Cash for passports: Canadians play key role in lucrative business
Citizens of Anywhere
Hillary Clinton is dead wrong about Bernie Sanders' immigration record